Open Klezmer Kapelye Basel

KlezWeCan – also near you in Switzerland!

In 2019, KlezWeCan e. V. hosted their first workshop in Basel. Out of this event, a diverse group of passionate musicians formed, which has been meeting regularly since and is growing steadily. We go by Open Klezmer Kapelye Basel and we meet and play Klezmer music together, with lots of fun and commitment. Since the beginning we have been open to everyone who is interested, no matter how much experience with Klezmer music you have or how long you have been playing your instrument already.

What do we play?

Klezmer music, as we understand it, is the traditional instrumental music played at festivities of the Ashkenazi Jews in Eastern Europe. We approach this music together, explore historic ways of playing and learn with and from one another – sometimes through singing, dancing, or playing by ear as well. Many of our pieces are from the book The Klezmer Playbook by Susi Evans and Szilvia Csaranko.

Who can join us?

Everyone is welcome! Including all skill-levels when making music is one of the key pillars of our community, adhering to the KlezWeCan Philosophie. We look forward to all instruments, from A as in accordion, to Z as in zurna. We also enjoy having listeners in our sessions.

What can you expect in our sessions?

First and foremost you can expect to have fun by making music with others in an inclusive setting. We leave stress and perfectionism behind. In the first part of the evening some of us who have been involved in the Kapelye for longer give some tips on how to play in “Klezmer style”, or share some further information on a melody. In the second part we talk less and play more – everyone is invited to start a tune from our repertoire, and the rest joins in, be it through playing, humming, dancing, tapping with a foot… or just enjoying the music!

When do we meet?

We meet on a monthly basis: Every second Thursday of the month, from 7:30 pm on. We meet at Quartiertreffpunkt LoLa. Lola is – like us – an open space with a Cafe/Bar (no mandatory consumption) and with a nice vibe. Listeners are just as welcome as musicians. Come on by!


Great! Then come to LoLa on the next second Thursday of the month.

You have further questions beforehand?

Sure, Judith is looking forward to your message at

See you soon in Basel!
Your Open Klezmer Kapelye Basel

Photo Credits: Andrew Burn and David Schönhaus